Monday, December 21, 2009


Pinjam kata-kata Aisha... I heartbroken today..... have waited for 8 years for the moment, left another 4 days but everything is gone with only 1 phone call......

It made today a very CLOUDY day.....


Last weekend balik Muar to attend weeding kat Batu Pahat. On the way balik Muar on saturday singgah kat Melaka. Sesat n sesak... round 2 kali kat town tak sampai lagi ke Mahkota Parade. Conclusion made that night, tak nak dah masuk Melaka during school holiday and long weekend. Masa sesat tu terjumpa la Eye on Malaysia... orang bepusu-pusu nak naik... gayat jugak bila tengok. hehehehe.....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cucur Carrot

Today started with watching Obsessed. After 2 weeks beli baru hari ni nak tengok... best and made me think for a while.... Watching it with my sister, Ayang. Then sambung lepak-lepak while watching AFC. Macam -macam diorang masak, tapi satu pun tak minat.

Lunch goreng ikan sardin (or ikan curut as what Ayang says) and taukua/taufu. I ate the taukua while waiting for Nana to come back. Lapar pulak. Nana came back around 3pm, terus makan nasi and ikan goreng with yesterday's rendang. After makan nak tengok tv, tapi hujan lebat and kilat kuat la pulak... biasala Astro bila keadaan macam ni mesti 'Out of Service' la jawapanny... tutup tv, then terus tertidor...

Terjaga around 5pm, gelap gile and perut rasa macam nak makan pulak. Buat cucur carrot kegemaran nana.... so, this is our tea cum dinner for today. Cucur Carrot and Teh O.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


After half a year, barulah nak menjengah balik blog ni. Tak apa... start from now akan berusaha untuk upadate blog as frequent as it can be..

Today is a very hectic day. Woke up at 6, do the laundry, sapu sampah then surf the net. By 11am, make a move to Mydin, beli barang untuk cooking hari ni. At last after 2 weeks dapur tak berasap, hari ni nak warm-up sikit dapur tu. Bukan apa takut nanti gas expired pulak...

Menu for today rendang daging and terung masak sambal. Terung ni baru first time nak cuba, semalam tengok resepi kat internet... so, inilah hasilnya....